Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas lights, Joy, McDonald's, and Ice Cream!

A couple of weeks ago, on December 30th after finishing Friday afternoon Bible study, we decided to go look at Christmas lights. Yes, I know a little late, but we did not have time to do things like that before because things were so BUSY with all the ministry events for Christmas. I had wanted our new believer’s group to go, but none of them answered my phone calls. I decided to invite the landlord of my house, her granddaughter, her sister, her son, Fernando (a new believer that called me back), and Nicchola who took us there in his taxi. It was a BEAUTIFUL experience. It was filled with so much joy. We went to Surco to look at Christmas lights because it is a rich city and people there decorate big time. There are about 2 streets filled with tons of lights and elegant nativity scenes. I loved it because it was so elegant and was not overly decorated. It reminded me so much of Christmas in the states except that it was hot of course.  I saw some of the most beautiful nativity displays that I have ever seen. We had so much fun.  The 3 year old and twelve year old that were with us were having a blast. Then we went to McDonalds. That was so much fun too. My neighbor and her son had never been to McDonalds before. Let’s just say they thoroughly enjoyed it. Then we went for our last surprise of the night to an amazing ice cream shop. In this ice cream shop they make the ice cream shaped like animals or characters etc. It was SO much fun. The owner of my house said, we had joy tonight. Her granddaughter said I am happy. The aunt asked me about a theological question which gave me the opportunity to talk to her in depth about the gospel so that was very exciting! Christmas this year was very hard for this particular family because it was their first Christmas without Paulina. Paulina was the 3 year olds’ mom that died tragically of a brain aneurism. Please pray for them as these days are still very hard for them.  Please pray that this whole family would come to know Christ. This particular night was a night full of lights and blessings! 
In the back of the taxi ready for their surprise!

Favorite nativity scene of the night

Part of my Peruvian family


Beautiful Christmas tree that was in the plaza

Luana ordered the ice cream called "pollito" or little chicken
Anthony ordered "Chavito" which is a famous guy in a soap opera here in Peru

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