Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A restaurant in my living room!

The land lady downstairs daughter died just a little over a year ago. Here in Catholic culture they have a service to pray for the dead a year later. Obviously I could not take a part in that, but I was invited to. It was a very tough situation because I wanted to be a help to her in her time of extreme grief, not offend her, but also stand up for what I believed. I told her that I could not go to the ceremony and the reason why, but I knew that all the family members and friends were coming over for dinner after and I offered to help cook and bring some food. It is tradition for everyone to come to the house after and eat. There is nothing done during that time that is sacrilegious, just a meal is shared together. While they were at the ceremony, Nicchola and I rapidly served 150 plates so that they would be ready to serve to all the guests after the ceremony was over. I felt like we had a mini – restaurant in my living room. It was actually so much fun getting to act like a waitress for one night. I hope that I was able to minister to my neighbor in her time of grief, and I am hoping that the Holy Spirit spoke truth into her life when I told her the reason I would not be able to attend the service. This neighbor is now like family to me; please pray for her healing process with the death of her young daughter.
Sweet Luana, her mom is the one who died last year. Please pray for her.

Peruvians LOVE mayonnaise.

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