Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mail all the way to Ventanilla!!!

I got my first package from the states in February from a dear lady from Southmont, Linda Roberts. The package totally made my day. I meant to take a picture of it before I started eating the contents, but I forgot to. She sent me little Debbie snacks, pringles, skittles, starbursts, all of my favorite things! I was having a rough day, and that package totally turned my day around. It is the little things when you live in a foreign country that can bring so much encouragement. Then like the next week, I got an envelope of cards from members at Southmont – thanks so much to those of you who wrote me. It was also a great encouragement. I also got a late Christmas card from my grandpa! It was like my house was a miniature post office in the month of February.

Then leave it to my awesome parents to send me a Valentine’s package as well. My parents for as long as I have remembered have given me a Valentine’s present normally including Valentine’s pajamas and lots of candy. They proceeded to do it again this year by sending me a tiny box packed full of goodies including pajamas. Who needs a boyfriend when you have such great parents? Totally a joke! I was so encouraged by the mail I got in February. Thanks to all of you who keep up with me whether it be through mail, praying, e-mail, financial support etc. It means the world to me to know I have so many people supporting me. Thanks for all you do for me and for the kingdom!

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