Bible study on the sidewalk and then stapling marathon at the house
Today Bible study really blessed my heart. We met again on the sidewalk and had several new kids come. There are several really incredible leaders that are always there. The kids that come are serious about going to invite their friends. I have never seen a group of kids so serious about inviting other friends to come. We had a lot of new kids today. We brought about 10 Bibles and the kids were so excited to read directly from the Bible. We told them we were in the process of getting Bibles for each one of them and they were so excited. One girl Margerie is going to help teach Bible study next week. Then another teenager, Lincoln, is actually a Christian. He seems super interested in starting to teach the Bible and he understands it. He gets that is only by grace through faith that you can be saved. It was so refreshing to talk to someone who is actually a Christian. We hardly ever meet any Christians around here. This is his first time to come to Bible study, but I met him a couple of weeks ago. I really feel like out of all her house churches this is the one that will reproduce the fastest and is growing at a very good pace. The kids just have an eager spirit to learn. A ton of them already know the hand game and the songs. We pretty much shout songs about Jesus together throughout the street. I LOVE it. I am so encouraged by these kids. A lady that has a restaurant right by where we meet gave me a recipe today for a Peruvian dish. I am going to try and make it this week. I am excited. I will let you know how it turns out. She told me each week she would give me a different Peruvian recipe. I am pretty excited to try out some new things even though I do not know how to cook.
After that, we came home just in time for a group of people to come over and help us get ready for our team in June. It is a dear friend of ours and his kids. They came over and stapled 1,000 coloring sheets together, inflated 15 balls for us, and helped count thousands of fliers for the group that will be coming next week. It was so neat to see 7 kids come and work very hard for two hours for kingdom work. Nancy had made chicken body part soup for the kids to eat. That is literally what it is….all the left over parts of the chicken mixed with water and rice. The kids loved it. Nancy is definitely turning Peruvian. It really was a great day! To top it off, I was able to talk to two of my really close friends who encouraged me so much on skype. There are lots of exciting things in store for the next two weeks as well. I am excited! Nancy and I also have our first Quechua lesson tomorrow. We are going to try and learn the native language of Peru so that we can minister to those that only speak that language. Pray for us. We are still trying to learn Spanish…….
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