Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waves and waterfalls

Wow, God not only meets our needs but also the desires and wants of even the smallest things in our lives and hearts. Over a month ago, we decided to take our Bible study group from Huaral to the beach because they live close to several beaches. We thought it would be a fun time to get to know them better and have a good time of fellowship taking advantage of the summer vacation. God is so so good. I can't even explain the goodness of God because just days earlier, I had experienced a very hard  emotionally draining time because Nancy had moved to Chorillos just 2 days before. It was as if God was telling me, "Lauren, I have not forgotten about you, I love you even enough to take you to a beach filled with huge waves and fresh water waterfalls." Maybe if you are reading this, you don't know that my absolute favorite things in creation are waves and waterfalls. At this beach there were ginormous waves and beautiful waterfalls. More than 20 of us packed into a small little rickety bus. I felt like I was living out the book of Acts. I brought sandwiches for us all to eat and they brought watermelon, bananas, popcorn, and one of them bought homemade popsicles for everyone in the group.. It reminded me so much of the verse in Acts that says: "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had." Acts 4:32 Not all of the people in Huaral are believers, but it is definitely growing. There are now 6 adults/ teens that are now Christians. We had so much fun! We played in the waterfalls, in the waves, and just enjoyed the beauty of God's creation. I had the opportunity to take my neighbors, John and his 2 kids, and Fernando. God blessed my life so much this day and just reminded me of his love for me and his goodness. Below are some of the pictures.
My sweet sweet neighbors
Yep, that is right, I am selling helatinas (jello) to people I don't know for one of the girls in our Bible study
Getting ready to have some fun in the waves!
Filomena and her husband (he is an atheist), she just became a Christian. Please be praying for both of them. 
Making a "swimming pool" for the little ones!
One of the amazing fresh water waterfalls!
The water felt so so amazing!
Another one of the waterfalls
Eating watermelon and watching the sun set over the ocean

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