Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A much needed vacation with the Bible study group!!!

A group of us from our discipleship group decided at the last minute to take a mini-vacation to the beach for 3 days. Fernando, Nicchola, Carlos, and a girl for privacy reasons that I will call Rachel, and myself all enjoyed a great vacation in a touristic town called Paracas. We decided at the last minute to go because it was the last week that everyone had some free time to do something like go on a vacation. So we bought food at the market, packed the rice cooker and a small electric stove, put some clothes in our backpacks and set off driving. We didn't know where we would end up just somewhere south of Lima that had a pretty beach. We kept driving and driving until we ended up in Paracas which is actually a very famous city in Peru. We drove around until we found 2 rooms in a “hotel”, one for the girls and one for the boys. We set up camp and then headed out to find a beautiful beach that was in a Peruvian reserve. It was gorgeous. It was a kind of tricky and steep drive, but we finally made it. The water was crystal clear and it was so much fun just getting to bask in God’s creation. Rachel, Fernando, and I went exploring on a rock pier and found a HUGE red jellyfish. That night we walked around the town and ate Salchi Papa (hot dogs and French fries for dinner). After that we played a game of chicken foot! Gotta love teaching Peruvians American games. Of course, being a little low on money we pretty much brought all of our own food, so we were able to make frozen lemonade and also got to teach some kids in the street the hand game which explains the gospel. The next day, we went and looked at some of the touristy shops while our dear friend Fernando stayed and cooked in the hotel room, a Peruvian dish called causa. Rachel and I decided to get a braid put in our hair, and we met this really fun Peruvian guy named Frank who put the braid in our hair. We started joking with him, and I was practicing using my Peruvian slang with him and before we know it the whole group is sharing the gospel with him. I was in shock!!! My “spiritual children” were correctly sharing the truth of the gospel with this man. Before I knew it Fernando, was bringing lunch to us and to Frank and his other worker. We had over an hour conversation with him about Jesus. Then Carlos brings his Bible to give to Frank. Each and every person shared their faith with him. I was blown away. I had wanted to go to the beach early that morning but God had other marvelous plans!! That afternoon we went to the beach and had a great time. Carlos and I swam out to a rock island, we all played chicken wars, and just enjoyed each other’s company. That night we walked around the town, got to hang out with about 15 the kids in the street and teach them all kinds of songs including the most famous song, My God is so big, play the hand game, and share the gospel. It was beautiful. Adults were gathered around watching as well. Rachel is a missionary at heart. I can’t wait to see what God does with her life in the future. I have a feeling one day she might be working with me. J That night we ate rice, fried eggs, and hot dogs that we cooked in our hotel room. Man, I think I have turned Peruvian! The next day, we packed up and started driving home to Ventanilla. We were going to stop at a beach on the way home, but it was super cloudy. BUT on the way home we stopped in Chincha, a very historical city here in Peru. Chincha is famous for its African heritage, good food, and culture. We walked around the plaza, taught some more kids about Jesus, and ate some delicious food. After that we made our way back to Lima. When we got to Chorillos, Nicchola drove us up this mountain that looked out over the city, and we could see the ocean and the sun setting. This is the same mountain that has a huge lit up cross. It looks so little from far away, but it is actually huge!! Then we went to Mira Flores and ate at McDonalds. It was Rachel’s first time to eat at McDonalds. Then we went and ate some churros from Manolas and looked at a local art fair. Then to end our vacation, we ate at our favorite ice cream shop called “el parque.” It was a wonderful vacation, and there were also some very special times of ministry that God brought about during the vacation. I am so blessed to have Peruvian friends and friends that are passionate about sharing about Jesus. I can not share any photos of Rachel for privacy reasons....but here are some photos enjoy!
A beautiful Peruvian reserve in Paracas!
Fernando chillin' out!
A Peruvian mermaid!
The huge jelly fish that was right by us!
Playing the famous hand game
Eating Salchipapa!
Fernando's delicious causa that he made in the hotel room for all of us!
The guys with Frank after they got done sharing the gospel with him.
Hanging out in Chincha!
One of my new friends....that was super interested in Jesus. Pray for her, she is so close to giving her life to Christ. Her family members are Christians, but she has not made the decision to follow Jesus yet. 
Beautiful sunset in Chorillos!
The "tiny" little cross that you can see all across Lima. 
We are standing right beside where the cross is on top of this mountain that overlooks Lima.
Enjoying McDonald's!

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