Saturday, September 10, 2011

Planning Craziness

Nancy getting ready the fisherman's boat for the "Follow Jesus" skit
Going around in a moto taxi to a bazillion schools inviting them to come to the Thursday night event. We may or may not have been eating pringles on the way there!

Getting the symbols ready to tell kids the good news about Jesus!

Putting together worksheets for the kids for the rallies.

Wow, it has been forever since I have last written. God has done some crazy AWESOME things. I wanted to write first about the week before the group got here! Because of a change of ideas on transportation and just the last minute details that there is always to finish before a huge event takes place we were swamped with work to do. We called some of our good Peruvian Christian friends and man did they ever come through for us. 2 of our friends came over and stayed several days before the group even came. Then a lot of other friends came for several days in and out to help us get ready. In that time period, we made all the props for the 2 dramas, bought all the materials for the week that was missing (sound system things, t-shirts for the event, foood etc), stamped about 6,000 fliers, passed about 8,000 fliers, went to different schools and stadium to confirm the event, went to school upon school passing out the fliers for the event, got all the bags ready for each day of the week, and whatever other things that had to be finished to get ready for the group. The beautiful part about all the craziness was watching the body of Christ come together. Our Christian friends really pitched in and helped us out in a true time of need. Also, our Peruvian dad helped us so much get ready for the group to come in. Below are some pictures that kind of show what was going on during that week before the group got here. The things that were accomplished that week are literally humanly impossible to finish, all glory to God for giving us the ability to get supernatural work done in such a short time period!

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