Wow, can I just first
say our God is so good. He really does give his children not only eternal life
but abundant life. Friday, was such a beautiful night for me. We were able to
go visit one of our neighbor’s extended family who was having some issues with
her teenage son. We had a beautiful time of fellowship. Not only were we able
to talk to the family about the issues going on, we were able to spend time
with them. I was probably more blessed than they were. We all ate a meal
together and just spent so much time laughing together. There were a ton of us
all crowded around this small kitchen, eating chicken, and laughing. We even did
the suitcase dance!!! (For those of you who know me well, you know what I am
talking about) I heard a comment from one of the ladies like, “I laughed
tonight.” It was such a joyous time. Come to find out, the food that was
leftover was a miracle from the Lord
because this family didn't have anything to eat the next day, and with the
leftovers she was able to send lunch to work with her husband.
Bradley found his "daughter" at this house visit. It was love at first sight for both of them! |
Then Saturday was
another beautiful day, getting to do Bible study with so many different people.
We were able to split into two teams and get so much accomplished. We even got
to teach some teenage boys how to play spoons. They loved it. We played it of
course with whatever they had in their pockets, some had spoons, some had
markers, or pencils. It was so fun.
Then Sunday was just a
blessing over and over again. We went out to do house visits on Sunday morning.
We went to visit a lady that lives up the hill from us. She has 4 kids; one of
her kids has epilepsy, is mentally handicapped, and is in a wheel chair. Come
to find out the mom had to go on a trip to see a family member in the mountains
that had experienced an accident. The aunt was watching the handicapped son and
the older brother, along with her daughter. They were out of food, out of
medicine for the boy, and as we were there, she asked her daughter to bring her
toilet paper to clean up the boy, and the daughter replied back that they didn't
have any left. God is so good and led us to the perfect house at just the
perfect time. That morning, I had asked
God that He would show us exactly where we should do house visits. After prayer
time, Nicchola and I both had the exact same house visits on her mind. That
never happens, so I know it had to be the Holy Spirit.
So, we left their
house and went on a shopping spree for their family! It was SO much fun. We
just loaded the cart up and got so many things. I just love how God always
provides the resources to help those in need. I am not sure if they were
excited when we brought the things to their house or maybe they were just in
shock. Then on Sunday afternoon, I was a little bummed because hardly anyone
was at Bible study, and the lesson was on the crucifixion. By the time we
started we had 19 people there, but as the afternoon went on when we were
playing soccer there were people all over the street. The family we visited on
Friday night came. ALL OF THEM (including the dad and the uncle – which hardly
ever happens in this culture). They missed Bible study but were able to go to
discipleship. We had 29 people at discipleship not including us gringos. It was
AMAZING. The lesson for discipleship was also about the crucifixion. It was
great because all of our regulars were there, and then we had several new
people. That is the most we have ever had for discipleship. All glory to God.
Then on Monday, we had
the huge blessing of having Nancy Lane and Ronald Santillan come out and visit
us. For those of you who don’t know, Nancy is one of my closest friends and my
teammate that I worked with for the first 1 ½ in Ventanilla. The things we
experience together only God knows. She and I walked through some of the most
difficult times together learning the language, adjusting to a new country,
having all kinds of physical problems, being first year teachers in another
language etc. Nancy moved to a team in
Chorillos in the fall of 2011, and this was the first time she has come back to
visit. It was so great having here; she also brought her fiance Ronald to
visit. I love Nancy, and I have come to love Ronald as well. He is the perfect
guy for her, and I am beyond thrilled that they will be getting married next
month. While they were here, we were able to talk, play games, eat good food,
and have an amazing time of ENGLISH worship which never happens. I am so
thankful for that precious 24 hours that we were able to have together.
Nancy brought me a homemade funfetti cake! Funfetti cake is my favorite. |
Then on Wednesday, we
went to Huaral like we do every Wednesday, but I just had so much fun. It was
so cool seeing how God worked. The lesson was over the resurrection with the
adults and the children. In the adult Bible study, I was just in awe and amazed
at the things God taught us. I didn't even really know what points we were
going to focus on, even though I had studied the lesson, nothing was coming to
me before I got there. Then when I got there the Holy Spirit just began to move
and to speak for me. I know it was not me…….it was definitely HIM. (I am not a
teacher). Then we got to have a great time with the kids, teaching them about
the resurrection, acting it out, and playing soccer and jumping rope. Then we
ended off the night with a good Bible study in Ancon. The blessings that God is
pouring out on us right now are just blowing me away. I am so enjoying it and
just soaking it in like a sponge. My God is so good. Enjoy his abundant
blessings in your life this week and thank Him for them!
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Doing the verse game. |
Acting out the resurrection story. |
Peruvian Christian helping at Bible study! |